Date(s) - 04/25/2019 - 10/10/2019
3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
Sanctuary Holistic Kitchen
Event Details
Have a budding chef at home? How about a picky eater? Food Allergy kid feeling frustrated by diet restrictions? We are here to empower your kiddos with kitchen skills and a passion for eating healthy foods. Our weekly cooking class is designed by SHK’s founder Robin Cervantes, a Certified Integrative Health Counselor, Cooking Instructor, and Mom of a food allergy kiddo. Every week we will visit a different theme and make 2-3 recipes from scratch, such as eating with color, picnic favorites, party bites and eating with your senses to name a few. Kiddos will be able to take recipes sheets home to try with their families at the end of every class. SIgn up for our drop in class here to try out, or register for our month to month tuition at a discount by emailing rcsanctuaryhk@gmail.com